Helpful Paperwork To Help You Prove That You're Paying Too Much Child Support
As a parent, you probably do not mind paying child support to help the custodial parent take care of your children. However, when child support is calculated too high, it can put an unnecessary burden on you and can leave you unable to make your payments and support yourself at the same time. If you are having trouble paying your child support, it's a good idea to hire a family law attorney to help you with your situation. You will need to bring in as much paperwork as possible to help prove your case. Here are a few things that you can take to your lawyer (and to court) to help.
Check Stubs
Your child support is typically based off of your income. If your income is not as high as it once was or if you feel that your child support payments were calculated based off of an incorrect income, bringing in your most recent check stubs can be helpful in your situation. Bring in as many as you can to help give a better picture of your overall average income.
Bank Statements
If you are self-employed and want to prove that you do not have a large income, or if the courts are under the impression that you have an inheritance or other access to money that you do not have, bringing in copies of your bank statements can be helpful.
If you are paying a lot of personal bills, such as if you have a lot of medical bills, bringing in proof of these bills can help show that you do not have the additional income to make your current child support payments each month.
Proof of Additional Support
If you have been paying a lot of other costs for your child that are not included in your child support, such as if you have been covering your child's medical expenses, bringing in proof of this additional support can help you give a better picture of the amount of money that you are paying out to support your child.
Proof of Hardship
If you have been going through a personal hardship, such as if you have been laid off of your job or have been injured, bringing in proof of the hardship that you have been going through can be helpful in proving to the courts that you are currently unable to make the ordered child support payments.
For more information, talk to a professional like Bergermann Law Firm.