Excuses For Speeding That Can Actually Work
When a driver is speeding, they will almost always have an excuse. Some excuses for speeding can be ridiculous such as "wanting to see how fast the car can go." However, some excuses have been successfully used to have speeding tickets dismissed.
Another Driver Was Driving Haphazardly
If another driver is operating a vehicle in a haphazard or malicious manner and you must speed to get away from the driver this can be used as an excuse for speeding. This is especially true if you're trying to get away from a commercial truck that is driving erratically.
If you see a police officer flashing her lights and your speed to get out of the way of the officer this can be used as a valid excuse. However, regardless of the dangerous situation you are dealing with, you will want to speak with a speeding ticket attorney to determine if this will be an effective defense.
If you find yourself in an emergency situation where you must drive away quickly in self-defense, your decision to speed might be justified. You may have also been speeding because of an emergency that someone else was experiencing. For this defense to work, you must provide evidence that your speeding was necessary to prevent another individual from being harmed. For an emergency to be considered valid, it must be something where it could not have been avoided without speeding.
Other Cars Were Speeding
Just because other cars are speeding, this doesn't mean that you're allowed to speed as well. However, if you were just going with the flow and slowing down would have created a dangerous situation, this could be used as a valid excuse for speeding. Some states have laws that allow you to speed if doing so would be safe in the traffic you were in.
You Didn't Know the Speed Limit
This is one of the most commonly cited reasons for going over the speed limit. This excuse does sometimes work if there was no speed limit posted. However, without a good attorney, the state might end up arguing that you should have followed the speed limit typical for that type of road in the state.
Why You Should Speak with a Speeding Ticket Attorney
Even if you drive a few miles above the speed limit you will likely see your insurance rates go up. Depending on how expensive your insurance is the increase in your insurance rates might cost you even more than the ticket itself. Contact a speeding ticket law firm in your area for assistance.