
Have You Been Rejected by Social Security Disability?

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Have You Been Rejected by Social Security Disability?

Many people who file for disability benefits through social security are rejected. When this happens, you may feel like your options are few and that you will not be able to pay your bills. I have been working with social security on behalf of clients for many years, and I understand why certain applications for disability are rejected and what you can do to be approved. This blog will help you understand the process of assessing a disability claim and specific steps you can take to increase your chances of being approved for disability payments. When you are hurt and cannot work, you may need legal help to get disability payments. This blog can help.


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Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Right for You?

Being in so much debt that you can't see any way to get out of it can be really stressful. All your money goes to trying to pay off your debts, and you end up living hand to mouth and paycheck to paycheck. However, there are things that you can do that will help you with the issue, one of them is to declare bankruptcy. There are various chapters of bankruptcy that you can use. Some of them are for personal use, others are for business. One chapter that is for personal use is Chapter 7. 

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are going to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are a few requirements that you are going to have to meet. If you don't meet them, the judge in your case will probably deny your case, which means you will have to start the process over. The easiest way to make sure that you meet all the requirements is to hire an attorney and have them help you through the process. The attorney can make sure that you are filing for the right bankruptcy chapter. So, what are some of the requirements that you have to meet?

No Recent Bankruptcy

One of the requirements that you have to meet is no recent bankruptcy. How recent that means depends on things like your state and even what the judge decides is too recent. 

Means Test

Another requirement is that you can pass a means test. There are a very few exemptions to that, one of them is if you are a disabled veteran, but in general, you have to meet the means test. The test itself is whether or not your monthly income is over the average monthly income for a family of your size in your area. So, if you have a family of four, the comparison will be to the average monthly income of a family of four in your area. That way it is a direct comparison, and incomes can vary from one part of the country to another. If your income is under that average, then you should have no problem with filing for Chapter 7. However, if your monthly income is equal to or over that average, then you may have to go through more means testing in order to prove that you qualify for Chapter 7. 

If you are in a lot of debt, you need to figure out a way to get out of it. Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the right option for you. Keep these tips in mind when looking for a bankruptcy firm, such as McCool & McCool.