
Have You Been Rejected by Social Security Disability?

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Have You Been Rejected by Social Security Disability?

Many people who file for disability benefits through social security are rejected. When this happens, you may feel like your options are few and that you will not be able to pay your bills. I have been working with social security on behalf of clients for many years, and I understand why certain applications for disability are rejected and what you can do to be approved. This blog will help you understand the process of assessing a disability claim and specific steps you can take to increase your chances of being approved for disability payments. When you are hurt and cannot work, you may need legal help to get disability payments. This blog can help.


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Slip-And-Fall Accidents That Require A Lawyer's Intervention

Millions of people land in emergency rooms every year due to slip-and-fall accidents. However, most of these accidents can be prevented if the building owners and managers invest in robust safety features.

If you get involved in such an accident and feel that someone's negligence led to your injuries, you should seek compensation. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is paramount in this situation. This article looks at some common preventable causes of personal injuries and when you should seek legal help about them.

Accidents Due to Wet and Uneven Surfaces

In most cases, slip-and-fall accidents are a result of wet and uneven surfaces. Some examples of uneven surfaces include loose floorboards, potholes in the parking lot, poorly constructed staircases, and torn carpeting. Wet floors due to mopping, waxing, moist mats, and water spills also increase the chances of slipping and falling.

Accidents resulting from wet and uneven floors are preventable and therefore demand compensation. For example, you may pursue compensation if you slip and fall in a convenience store because of an uncleared spill. That's because store management has a responsibility to keep the floors safe for their customers. Thus, failure to wipe spills or put up warnings is negligence on their part. 

Accidents Caused By Bad Weather

A good number of injuries occur during extreme weather conditions. For example, some surfaces become wet and slippery to walk on when winter sets in, even if they are safe during summer. 

Rainy weather can also pose safety hazards for certain flooring materials like tiles. In addition, it is the legal responsibility of building managers and the municipal government to shovel sidewalks. Thus, you can sue them if you get injured due to their negligence to provide all-weather pavements. 

Accidents From Poor Training

Certain working conditions will always present the risk of slip-and-fall accidents. For example, a construction worker is more likely to get hurt than a clerk inside a building. 

For that reason, a construction site manager has a responsibility to assess all the possible project risks and employ the relevant safety measures. Fall arrestors and scaffolding are some examples of safety features used in the construction industry. As such, you can seek compensation for injuries that occur due to the lack of a robust safety system in a construction site. 

The law requires every property owner to put up safety measures to protect their guests and workers from accidents. So if you experience a slip-and-fall accident, you can pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. But you should hire a personal injury lawyer to ensure a favorable outcome in your case.